Understanding the principles of caring for pigs on a small scale is very important. Below are some of the requirements relevant to pig farming in New Zealand.
Resource Management Act 1991
Directs every person to avoid, remedy or mitigate any adverse effects on the environment. District, city and regional councils are responsible for compiling plans and rules which cover resource management in their local area.
District and Regional plans
Your local councils (city, regional and district) have rules about where pigs can be raised and resource management requirements. Contact your relevant councils for details. You can check your relevant councils here.
Animal Welfare Act 1999
Owners and the person in charge of an animal are required to ensure that the physical, health, and behavioural needs of animals are met and that pain and distress of ill or injured animals is alleviated. The standards of care for pigs are described in the Code of Welfare for Pigs, it can be downloaded from the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI).
Feeding waste food
The Biosecurity (meat and food waste for pigs) Regulations2005 requires that any feed containing meat or meat products (e.g. ham, bacon) or that has come in contact with meat (e.g., sandwiches, pies) must be heated at 100C for one hour BEFORE it can be fed to pigs. Read here for details.
Protecting New Zealand
To help protect our disease free status the Biosecurity Act requires that any suspected exotic diseases or pests are reported to MPI's 24 hour hotline 0800 80 99 66.
Animal Products Act 1999(part 6)
Regulates who can kill and process an animal.
Key points are:
- You must have owned or cared for the animal for28 days prior to slaughter if you wish to sell the meat
- More information on Home Kill (the slaughtering and butchering of your own animal either by yourself or a listed Home Kill service provider) is provided here
- A list of registered home-kill butchers is maintained by MPI. You or a registered home-kill provider can kill and process animals for your personal use
- Animals for commercial sale must be slaughtered at a registered facility. A home-kill butcher is NOT permitted to kill animals for sale
- Contact NZPork for details of a licensed premise close to you.
Moving animals
All animals that are transported to slaughter, or from one property to another where there is a different person in charge, MUST have an Animal Status Declaration (ASD) completed and signed. Single use ASD for Pigs forms can be downloaded here.
NZPork provides registered pork producers with ASD books free of charge and to other farmers for a cost of $25 for a book of 25 forms. To order books please send your order to: info@pork.co.nz

Agricultural Compounds and Veterinary Medicines Act 1997
This Act regulates what treatments you can give your pigs. You may need to consult with MPI or your veterinarian.