Born and Raised in New Zealand PigCare™
More than 95% of commercially produced New Zealand pork now carries the certified label – assuring Kiwis that the pork they choose comes from pigs farmed right here in New Zealand to our high standards of welfare.
PigCareTM includes New Zealand’s already high animal welfare standards as well as other aspects important for animal welfare that go beyond these requirements.
This programme provides assurance that commercial pig farmers certified under PigCare™ meet a high standard of animal welfare.
Farmers are audited annually by expertly trained auditors.

PigCare™ was developed by Massey University with input from veterinarians, pig farmers, New Zealand Pork, and the Ministry for Primary Industries.
The PigCare™ certification programme has been an important tool in setting a consistently high standard for commercial pig farmers. PigCare™ is recognised by wholesalers and retailers who process and sell pork products throughout New Zealand.
Every year, the PigCare™ programme is reviewed in light of current scientific research, regulatory requirements and good practice that supports the welfare of pigs. This ensures there is ongoing improvement of the programme.

How PigCare™ works
Pork producers in the PigCareTM programme are audited annually.
An expert auditor evaluates the whole farm to provide a comprehensive assessment of a number of elements that influence animal welfare. These include pig health and behaviour, the farm buildings and facilities, stockpersonship, management, biosecurity and husbandry practices in addition to New Zealand’s welfare standards and regulations set out in the Code of Welfare for Pigs.
For more information of the PigCare™ requirements please contact us here.
If an audit finds that the PigCare™ standards are not met, action is required. The auditor will issue ‘corrective actions’. These actions need to be completed in an agreed timeframe. Evidence is required for a corrective action to be signed off. In many cases, a farm will be revisited. Immediate action is required where there is a welfare issue identified during an audit.
Any breach of the PigCare™ standards that impact pig welfare, or a failure to undertake corrective actions relating to animal welfare, may lead to further action such as reporting to MPI for investigation and withdrawal of the PigCare™ accreditation.
If farmers fail their PigCare™ audit, pork products from that farm cannot use the ‘Born and Raised in New Zealand’ PigCare™ certified label. As a result, they maybe paid less for their pigs unless the farm receives and passes another audit.
PigCare™ programme update
1 June 2024
Number of Certified Farms
As at 1 June 2024 there were 67 farms certified under the PigCare™ programme.
Corrective Actions Required
As at 1 June 2024, there were 0 farms with open corrective actions.